Finally !!!

Well, here i am finally with my 1st blog post. Creating a blog is one of the first things in my to-do list after exams and i'm glad that i could start this blog with a happy note.

Yup, I've finally made it!! Been worrying a lot for the past few months, struggling to stay alive; climbing high mountains which obscure my view of my future. Back then, everything was so uncertain. I dreaded people asking me when i would be graduating because the truth is I don't really know. I kept saying things like "i hope so" and "if i pass" because i was trying to prepare everyone to the possibility that i may not make it and at the same time, preparing myself for it if that day really comes. So yeah, sorry for being so annoying (haha.. my youngest sis actually said i was being annoying coz i repeated that so many times).

I owe my success to God; He was the one who made all things possible for me. My friend once told me " No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself, every chance in the world if you trust God to do it". Looking back at my 5 years journey, i really experienced Him in a lot of ways. For instance a few weeks back during the start of my study week, I was wondering if i should go to the wards to practice short cases knowing that i'm weak in my clinical skills. My study group mate were not in and if i were to go, I have to go alone and it will need a lot of determination. As i was worrying what I should do, I got a message from my ex-roomie asking me if i want to join her group to go to the wards.This is just one of the few examples of how God make things work out in His own ways. I thank God for being my source of strength when i'm weak and giving me a hand of comfort when i'm down. Thank you Lord for carrying me through and always being my footprint in the sand.

To my dearest mummy and daddy, thank you for all the sacrifices that you all made to make everything easier for me. Thank you daddy for sacrificing your rest time on friday and sunday to sent me back home and then back again to uni. Thank you mummy for washing and ironing my clothes and pack my stuffs for me every week when i'm back home. Thank you to both of you for the endless love, support and words of encouragements. Thank you for the upbringing that made me who i am today. I am truly blessed to have both of you as my parents and i'm always proud to say that i'm still very much my daddy's and mummy's princess and little girl.

To my dearest sisters, thank you for the times you are willing to listen to me talking nonsense..haha.. Thank you for the fun and entertainment you brought to me, the times u all made me laugh and made me feel like a child again. To my dearest Godmother and Godfather, thank u for the support that you've given me all those years, be it financially or emotionally. It has been of great help all those years. To my dearest grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, thanks for all the contributions and the wonderful memories you have planted in my life. I hope popo and kong kong will be able to smile from above and see my success too.

There's just so many people to thank, so many things that i want to share. I ♥ u guys so so much!! The next post will be about u guys, my dear coursemates and comrades for 5 years, so be patient ya and look forward to the next few post!! =))


  1. Wei wei come there's no thank you my dearest roommate, personal chauffeur and polar opposite??

    The moment the page loaded I was like "hahaha, so Calyn man...shud hv known it'd be hearts and pink".

  2. haha.. see the next post la, put you 1st on the list somemore.. yeah, must have hearts, but pink is just coincidence=p

  3. You gave me many proud moments which I lost count since birth but the proudest moment that I have was when you walked up the stage to receive your Doctorate title when your name was called during the mini convo in UM.
    You deserved it for all the hardwork that you have gone through and I feel so blessed for having a daughter like you.



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