Tagged in trauma ward today.. Looking at patients there can be a pretty sad thing.
Chronic young patient, post motor vehicle accident,
Lying on the bed, most probably will be bedridden for life,
With multiple pressure sores and contractures,
Enduring the pain of dressing, bladder catheterisation and multiple needle pokes daily
in pain, but couldn't speak,
All he could do is communicate with tears and limited body movement, just like a child..
the sound of secretions through the trachy tube indicates his call for help but in vain..
Staring with eyes of hopelessness and despair; no future, all plans destroyed just in a split second
It is a sad scene.. Hard to see but harder for the person to bear.
And it is still Chinese New Year. The sight of a red container with new year cookies at the patient's bedside reminds me of how lucky i am to be able to celebrate this festive season with my loved ones and I thank God for that.
We eat, we drink, we enjoy.. But all this patient could do was stare at the red container with cookies..
Who is to be blamed for the accident ? I don't know.. But i guess for now it doesn't really matter because what is done cannot be undone..
At this point, i just feel sorry for him and his family members.
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